Thursday, November 12, 2009

Poinsettia pronunciation?

If you are not sure, why not just say the very pretty red Christmas flower?

Poinsettia pronunciation?
actually, i just looked it up on, and it gave two pronunciations. the first, and probably more correct, is


and the second is


go here for the pronunciations: (theres handy little red speaker icons next to the word that pronounce them for you.)

hope this helped!
Reply:Hey "Ya'll!" I am from Alabama and everyone I know pronounces it "Poin -- set--- uh!!' but who trusts us "REDNECKS" anyway!!?? LOL
Reply:Poin (rhymes with coin)


tee - a
Reply:This site has a sound bite that has the correct pronunciation.
Reply:Botanically, it should be pronounced POIN-SET-E-UH; but because of laziness and regional dialects it is often pronounced POIN--SET-UH. The dictionary accepts either.
Reply:'red - christmas - plant'
Reply:I've heard it pronounced both ways (poin set eyah and poin set a) I believe the correct pronunciation is poin set eyah. I'm originally from Calif. and we always said poin set a. Poin set eyah, I believe is correct, but sounds strange to me. I think both pronunciations are acceptable.

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