Saturday, November 14, 2009

What is the correct way to pronounce "poinsettia"?

I grew up hearing the end pronounced "ta", only recently do I hear everyone saying "tia".

What is the correct way to pronounce "poinsettia"?
poin (rhymes with coin) - set - tee - ah

To be honest, I think both pronunciations are correct.
Reply:Great question!

I have recently switched to "tia"

Previously I was a "ta" person but having heard the other version and considering the spelling, I now believe that "tia" is correct.
Reply:It is poin-set-tee-uh, but it is like "february.

It should be pronounced "Feb-brew-ware-ee", but everyone goes "feb-you-ware-ee"
Reply:I've said "ta" my whole life.

Some say "tia" it just depends where you are from. I am from the south and we say "ta".
Reply:According to my dictionary, there is only one correct pronunciation and that is with TIA at the end.
Reply:poin- set- a

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