Monday, November 16, 2009

I live in Central Minnesota can I plant my poinsettia plant outside this summer and will it bloom again?

Well, I am only familiar with winter in Minnesota, so planting out I don't know.

BUT, as for the flowers, or fake flowers, colored bracs actually. That depends on the sunlight, as the light gets less and less in the sky the poinsettia start to get the signal to color up! So , 8 hours of Sun or less will be an encouragement to color.

The University of Minnesota has a HUGE horticultural program, so try their web site. That much I am sure of, just as I am sure of WINTER in Minnesota!!!!!!!

I live in Central Minnesota can I plant my poinsettia plant outside this summer and will it bloom again?
No, even given all of the poinsettia plant varieties there are, you live too far north for them to grown outside.

Place it in its container outside during the summer months, under a tree so that it does not get direct sunlight. Then, as the nights get cold,take it in and begin the normal darkness routine. It will bloom.
Reply:dont plant outside if you have winter, bring the plant in when the weather drops to around 50 or below ,keep it in a area thats not to hot or cold,no diredt sun light shad they love.Even if it dies down the roots will still be alive in most cases. You can give it a little water every week not much. It should regrow you can give it a little of miracle grow in the water.Happy gardening.
Reply:Honey, try these places.

Good luck hope they help
Reply:Poinsettas bloom only durring short days. By the time your days are short enough to initiate bloom the weather will be to cold.
Reply:the blooms are called brackin it's going to put out new growth should brack again in time but it will not handle the cold it is a deep south plant usually in Mexico

fresh fruit baskets

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