Saturday, November 14, 2009

How often should you water a poinsettia?

This time of year you only need to water once a week, unless you keep your house temperature high. Make sure you have a saucer under your indoor plants and if you have a tendency to over water then I would suggest putting gravel in the saucers to assure drainage. Occasional watering and Indirect sunlight will make it so your Poinsettia will last for years. On a side note, If you have a cat this plant is poisonous to them

How often should you water a poinsettia?

Enjoy yourself, check this site out:

Hope this helps,

Reply:when the soil feels dry - too much water is even worse than not enough.
Reply:every other day and also about 2 hours of sunlight every day and dont put in real hot weather and all.
Reply:everday. but dont give it a lot of water

how to grow lilacs

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