How do I care for my poinsettia?
Keep it near a sunny window (they are semitropical plants)
keep it warm but not hot - 65-75 degrees (colder makes the leaves drop off)
water it - just enough to keep the soil moist but not wet. put enough water on it you can feel the moisture, but not so much drops cling to your hands.
Reply:Poinsettias...Todas las plantas necesitan agua, luz, aire fresco y ciertas condiciones de temperatura y humedad para desarrollarse adecuadamente. Ten en cuenta que según la especie estas necesidades varían. En la etiqueta encontrarás las instrucciones precisas para que puedas cuidar tu planta correctamente...Asegúrate de ubicar tu planta en el lugar apropiado según las condiciones que le sean favorables y no olvides seguir las instrucciones de cuidado que se encuentran en la etiqueta...La mayoría de plantas prefieren secarse un poco antes de volver a ser regadas. Ten en cuenta que las plantas mueren más fácilmente por exceso de agua y no por sequedad...Las plantas deben regarse alrededor de su base, evitando mojar los tallos...Los envases de Tallos NO tienen orificio de drenaje. Sigue las instrucciones de riego correctamente para evitar que se acumule agua en el fondo y que de esta forma las raíces se pudran...A las plantas les gustan los ambientes húmedos. Rocía sus hojas con cierta regularidad, a menos que la etiqueta indique lo contrario (plantas como la poinsettia pueden mancharse con facilidad). Evita mojar las flores...Evita calor excesivo, la luz directa del sol o corrientes de aire fuertes. No es aconsejable poner plantas muy cerca de las ventanas o bajo una claraboya (a excepción de los cactus), ya que en algún momento del día podrían recibir los rayos directos del sol...Cuando encuentres hojas o flores marchitas, córtalas con una tijera en el punto más cercano a su base, para que las nuevas crezcan más fácilmente...Limpia las hojas con regularidad para asegurar que estén libres de polvo. Así tu planta podrá respirar adecuadamente...Las plantas necesitan abono para crecer, florecer y mantenerse saludables. Es recomendable usar abonos orgánicos de acuerdo al tipo de planta (follaje o flor)...Si tus plantas no se ven saludables a pesar de haber seguido correctamente las instrucciones de cuidado, cámbialas de lugar. No todas las plantas se adaptan igual de bien a lugares con las condiciones apropiadas...
Cada planta de Tallos viene acompañada de una etiqueta en la que se especifican cuidadosamente las instrucciones de cuidado según la especie. En la página de cada planta podrás consultarlas.
Reply:Poinsettia need Indirect, filtered light when you first bring them home for the holidays.
Put your poinsettias in a place protected from both warm and cold drafts. Don't put them in direct sunlight. Your plants need INDIRECT sunlight for at least six hours per day; if direct sun can't be avoided, diffuse the light with a shade or sheer curtain. Ideally poinsettias thrive at a daytime temperature between 60 and 70 degrees. Nighttime temperature of about 55 degrees is ideal. Keeping the temperature low at night will lengthen the plant’s life, but don't expose the plant to temperature below 50 degrees.
To prolong the bright color of the bracts, temperatures should not exceed 72°F. during the day or 60°F. at night.
Check the soil daily and keep the plant in a well-drained pot. Water the plant thoroughly when the soil surface is dry to the touch, but make sure you drain excess water from the saucer. Always remove a plant from any decorative container before watering and allow to drain completely before replacing it.
Avoid under- and overwatering. "If you don’t water enough, the plant will wilt and the lower leaves will drop off. Overwatering will cause the roots to rot and the lower leaves to turn yellow and fall off. Root rot is likely if the pot has no drainage holes in the bottom. If it has no holes, make some... If it has holes but they’re covered by foil, either poke holes in the foil or remove it."
They go through a cycle of growth... then rest.
In late December, or when the leaves begin to drop, get the plant ready for a dormant (resting) period. Decrease the watering %26amp; when the leaves drop... cut the stems back to about two or three growth buds or “eyes”. Store the poinsettia plant in a cool place like a basement.
In late spring when the danger of frost is over bring your poinsettia out of its dormancy by watering deeply and setting the plant in a bright, sunny place outdoors Or repot it using fresh soil, water it, %26amp; put it on a patio or protected spot. Trim new shoots sprouting from the stems to only three or four shoots. Give the plant a little fertilizer two or three times a year during its growing season.
Bring them indoors in the fall before it frosts. Beginning in September,keep them at 50 degrees and in total darkness (in a closet) for 14-15 hours per day.
Around Thanksgiving, you'll notice your plant turning leafy %26amp; the colors returning. Bring them back out into filtered sunlight and thoroughly water it again.
Good Luck! Hope this is helpful.
Reply:I'm in full agreement with Doris. Be sure to read all of the link that she gave you so you can keep it all year long.
Reply:Here in the tropics, they get damaged by aphids (especially the mealy bugs). Though I dislike using pesticides, if the infestation is heavy and the natural predators like the preying mantis and the lady birds are unable to check it, I spray Sevin.
I also dead head the dried flowers and severely prune.
Fertilizer is a general purpose 10-10-10 NPK with compost and bone meal.
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