Monday, November 16, 2009

Can poinsettias rebloom? If so, what rules should be followed?

I have a whole room full of poinsttias from 2001! I make them rebloom each year. They are wonderful plants that don't take too much care to stay in great shape. You need to keep them away from strong, cool drafts as well as heavy heat. They like a very temperate ambient temperature. To get them to rebloom, just put them in the closet (or a very dark place) for about two weeks. Then, start giving them about 2-4 hours of light per day for another 3-4 weeks. Use blooming plant food (lots of nitrogen). You need to start this process at least one and a half months before you want them to bloom.

Good Luck to You!

Can poinsettias rebloom? If so, what rules should be followed?
I have never seen them re-bloom but I have seen them grow into trees.
Reply:Yes they can, keep them moist and away from drafts, feed them with food for blooming plants...follow the directions...miracle grow is best food....remember the berries are keep away from children and animals.....always pinch off the dead parts...plants like to be them for a very long time...

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