Thursday, November 12, 2009

Poinsettia help?

Well i wanted ot now if you can flatten and dry poisettias becuase my mom bought these beautiful poinsettias and they arent going to last to long.We have this very large one like the size of a book and I wanted to know if I could dry it out so I can put ti in a frame Ho would I?

Poinsettia help?
I've never dried poinsettia flowers....but I don't see why you can't.

But may i ask why you wouldn't want to save it for next year???

If you live in an area that the winters aren't as can plant your Poinsettia in the ground. A nice sunny location.

I know that the poinsettia's i've owned, I've kept it in a sunny window, and water it, and just let the blooms die back, and repot it, and keep in in a dark closet (keep it watered, but not soggy), then bring it back out in September, and set in the a sunny window, and it will sprout back , and bloom....**just an idea**oh...and feed it with Miracle Grow one good feeding.

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