Thursday, November 12, 2009

How could you get a pointsetta/poinsettia to flower in june?

This a question for my ap bio class and i have no idea how to answer it. I looked up info on it and know that it needs 12 hrs of darkness and 60-70 F temp. Shouldnt the answer be to just let it have 12 hrs of darkness, then light, and raise the thermostat in your house to 65F??

How could you get a pointsetta/poinsettia to flower in june?
To get the plant to bloom a second time, it will need absolute darkness for 14 hours a day, for two months. If you do not provide them with darkness, the plants will bloom later than Christmas, sometime in the spring.

Try a dark closet, make sure you give it light the other ten hours
Reply:The point is you have to accelerate the change from long days (light) to long nights (time in absolutely black closet)...... Poinsettias are actually Mexican Flame trees originally, and bred for smaller size over time. So take some hints about water versus time of year for the Mexican high desert climate for excellent results.

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