Thursday, November 12, 2009

Do you know if a Dog eating Poinsettia leafs can make them sick? Are they poison? My dog has suddenly got sick

he has a fever and I got to thinking I have 2 left over in the kitchen floor after Christmas....they where so pretty..I hated to throw them out! I wonder if that could be why he is sick? If he chewed on them!

Do you know if a Dog eating Poinsettia leafs can make them sick? Are they poison? My dog has suddenly got sick
I read not long ago that the plant is not actually poisonous but it can cause nausea and vomiting if ingested. The leaves have a very unpleasant taste so it's not likely he would've eaten very much after the initial taste....if, in fact, he did at all.
Reply:They sure can, that plant is poison if eaten. Get your dog to the vet, ASAP.Dogs love to eat grass when they have a digestive problem, so your dog was probably doing the same thing only with the leaves on your plant. Dogs are pretty smart and do not just eat any old thing but if he was chewing on the plant, that is why he is sick.
Reply:I'm pretty sure those are poisonous for dogs and people! please take him to the Vet now!!!!
Reply:yes the poinsettai is posionis you need call vet tell him/her about yr plants hope yr puppy better soon praying for you
Reply:yes they are poisonous and yes they will make your dog sick. Chances are he will just barf it all up but if it persists you need to get him to the vet.
Reply:I heard that it was a myth that Poinsettias were poisonous to us doggies, but I'm not so sure about that....Mom keeps them away from me. Sorry your doggie is sick. Give him lots of water.

Love, Roscoe
Reply:thats probably why he's sick. if he gets very sick you need to do something to help him. google a remedy for fevers in dogs or take him to the vet
Reply:YEP!!!!! your vet...
Reply:I know that chocolate and poinsettias are poisonous to dogs so if you think he's been chewing them, I think you should get him to a vet pretty quick.

I don't think that worms cause a fever, irritation definitely.

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