Thursday, November 12, 2009

Can Poinsettia plants last after Christmas? To bloom again the following year.?

Yes, my MIL has a few that are over 5 years old. Good luck with yours.

Can Poinsettia plants last after Christmas? To bloom again the following year.?
Yes, by all means. Treat as normal house plant.
Reply:Yes, as long as you put them to "sleep" in a dark room for about a month prior to wanting them to re-bloom.
Reply:yes, they can - but they're tricky. My Mom planted one outside one year and it did grow back, but not very well. She though that we must be in the wrong growing zone for it
Reply:I have several poinsettia trees. Plants that have grown so large after many years. I keep mine in the house and then when the weather turns warmer I place them on my patio. I haven't had luck with the re blooming. But I haven't placed them in a dark place. Good luck to you.
Reply:Yes. Can't stand frost or freezing, but you can set it out during the spring-fall in a sunny location. There are online tips on how to make it bloom in the winter--you control the amount of light for part of the day, bright in the day, pitch black at night. Do a search to find out. I have 2 that I have had for a couple of years, but didn't try and get them to bloom this past year.
Reply:yes they do, enjoy them year after year
Reply:I've never managed it - I've had them last till the next christmas but never flower again.

Good luck trying - they are so pretty it's a shame to throw them away.
Reply:You bet they can!

I new a lady who always kept these plants. Before Christmas she would put the plants in a closet with a cut open apple. Hers were always nice and red and pretty!

She said the cut open apple gave the plant some kind of chemical it needed.....
Reply:yes. if you put them in a cool, dark place, water them like you normally would. and they should live.
Reply:Not in my house but maybe in yours. Seriously, they can but there is something about putting them in a dark closet with a paperr sack over them that just seems pointless to me. Good Luck!

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