Thursday, November 12, 2009

Are poinsettia plants poisonous to kitty cats? I have 2 cats and just got a plant as a gift. I need to know.?

If they eat it or chew on it, Yes!!!

Are poinsettia plants poisonous to kitty cats? I have 2 cats and just got a plant as a gift. I need to know.?
Reply:Yes, they are poisonous to cats, dogs, all animals especailly birds.
Reply:yes i heard they are
Reply:I have heard that they will get sick and throw up if they eat the leaves. I haven't actually seen proof of this just what I heard. I don't know if it would cause anything more than an upset stomach for them. I haven't had a pointsettia in the house just because I don't want to be cleaning up cat vomit. An old question about this below.
Reply:i heard that they make cats ill to their stomachs so you might want to avoid them.
Reply:yes if you love your cats get ride of the plant
Reply:No, they're not. It's a myth
Reply:They are extremely poisonous! You are going to have to keep it high up somewhere. I miss having them in my home!- just don't get them now we have a cat.
Reply:Yes, the plants are poisonous. They can make you very sick and potentially can kill pets or young children if they eat enough leaves. Most animals are able to figure out that they should not eat them due to the red leaves, that's nature's warning sticker.
Reply:yes they are! if you have one, good luck trying to find a place that they wont jump up on to get at it.
Reply:The plant is only mildly toxic. Generally resulting in nausea.

I've had both at the same time and I have not noticed cats finding the plant particularly tasty. I've found that they only dig up plants when their box is dirty. Eating plants, had one the trashed my mom's violets, but generally have not eaten plants.

The link is to a extensive list of plants and parts that will make you cat sick/dead. Eat enough bad stuff and anything can die, we all have our limits. Some stuff, is so toxic that even a little bit is to much. Cats can't read so you have run a little defense for them.
Reply:Lovely to look at but toxic to cats. If you can possibly find a way to keep the plant, but keep the cats away, then enjoy it. Otherwise, you may be spending a bit of money at the vets.
Reply:No - this is probably one of the longest lived, most repeated, OLDEST Urban Myths!
Reply:I've had pointsettias at Chirstmas time for years, and our cats have never even tried to eat them, but not that you mention it I think I will not allow them in this year.
Reply:No, it is a myth. Poinsettias are not poisonous
Reply:Check this website: list too long to copy %26amp; paste



It is probably best to avoid all houseplants in areas of your home where your cats will be allowed to freely live, play, eat and sleep. Or, at least have them hanging high or otherwise in areas that your cat cannot get to them. Here is a list of houseplants that you DEFINITELY want to avoid at all costs, as they are potentially harmful or even fatal if they are ingested by your kitty (remember that lists for plants poisonous to cats may vary -- this is because often there is only a certain part of a particular plant that is harmful):

Airplane Plant





Dragon Tree

Easter Lily


Jerusalem Cherry


Mother-in-law's Tongue




Spider Plant


website below
Reply:I dont know, but dont take any chances, put the plant outside or something or just put the plant in a high spot where the cats wont get it but i do think they are poisonous.

I love kitties.
Reply:the plant won't kill them, but it will give them an awful tummy ache and they'll most likey barf it back up on your carpet
Reply:yes they are poisonous to cats. I have went to Veterinary Tech school and in our poisons class, yes they are VERY poisonous to cats. Yes if they eat enough of the plant it CAN kill them. My mom has always had poinsettia plants during holidays just keep it out of their reach where they can't get to it.

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