Thursday, November 12, 2009

Are poinsettia plants poiness to cats?


Are poinsettia plants poiness to cats?
Yes, they are. So are mistletoe and holly.
Reply:Poinsettia's are poison if you eat them. I don't have them in my house.
Reply:Well, while I'd like to say it *is* an urban isn't. Another piece of holiday foliage to watch out for is Mistletoe according to ingesting berries of the mistletoe plant can cause vomiting, diarrhea, blistering in the mouth, and difficulty breathing.
Reply:yes, they are poisionous, it is NOT an urban myth.

they are also toxic to children.
Reply:yes they are, very
Reply:from what i have heard, they are poisioness to cats they are not even if they where they taste so bitter the cat would spit it out its an old urban myth
Reply:Yes, very.
Reply:Yes they can be extremely deadly because the plant has a chemical that can cause severe diarrhea

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